While watching Saban bowl V over the weekend, the tv crew for CBS caught one of the most unbelieveable things I have seen in a long time. An Alabama fan was caught crying at the end of the game. Before you give me the "Well kids cry at games all the time when their teams lose"nonsense, the guy looked to be in the 18-25 age range. Which is unaccetable. With about 30 or so seconds left in the game, LSU was in field goal territory and preparing to kick the game winner. The camera starting panning the crowd , and all of the sudden ..BOOM! It stopped on this guy, who looked to be in a fraternity due to sporting a tie at a football game, who was tearing up pretty bad. He was accompanied by his girlfriend, who was also crying. So my question to you is how old is too old to cry when your favorite team loses?
I totally understand getting upset when your favorite team loses. It hurts worse when your team has national title/championship aspirations. I get that. But as a fan you cannot cry at a sporting events. If you do end up crying, you cant get caught on TV. There are a few exceptions. Here are my rules about crying over sporting events:
1. No crying at the stadium
There is no crying in the stadium. If you are not part of the team or a family member of someone on the team, than you are not allowed to cry at the stadium. You can at least wait until you get in the car to let the water works begin.
2. No crying is allowed during a regular season game
No game during the regular season is worth crying over. The only game during the regular that you can even think about crying is senoir day/night and it is your favorite player's last game. Even then it is not allowed.
3. No crying over professional sports
No matter what you cannot cry over professional sports. If the players don't get upset enough after the big game loss, neither should you.
4. No crying after the age of 12
One should not be crying anyway. At that age, kids are still young. It is hard to accept a loss. I can understand being a kid getting into a sport and watching your team win all the time and being very upset when they lose. I grew up in the late 90's and early 2000's. Tennessee football hardly ever lost in that time span. So when they would lose, it would ruin my weekend. I never cried though.
5. No crying on TV
If there is a chance you might cry, do not sit on the first row. There is a better chance you will make it on TV by sitting on row one. If you are on the first row and crying, there is a great chance you will make it on TV and most likely get embarassed. Especially if your girlfriend is sitting next to you and crying right along with you.
Lesson of the Day: If you are older than 12, learn to control your emotions. If you cant, at least wait until you are somewhere not on TV in front of the world to start crying.
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